1. Report -

    This year we continued to chart the challenges for many people in accessing health and social care and we focussed on the importance of research in understanding the unmet needs of patients.
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    We need to have 7-day community services so that people can be helped to live well at home, to stay out of hospital and to get out of hospital faster.
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    Reviewing and assessing the meaningful activities planned for the residents and obtain feedback from the residents.
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    The aim of this Enter and View visit was to find out about type of care provided by the home.
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    We surveyed Haringey care home managers and asked how care homes are coping with Covid-19. Do they feel supported and can they access the basics they need to provide a good quality of care?
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    Lessons from Haringey’s most vulnerable service users. This report is a summary of issues and concerns experienced by Haringey adult social care service users and carers during the lockdown. Suggestions for service improvements are also presented.