Doctor speaking to a patient in an outpatient clinic

Thinking about making a complaint?

Find out more about what's involved in making a complaint about health or care services and what your next steps might be. We don't deal with complaints about NHS services but we can help you to make a complaint or to follow one up if you haven't had a response.

We know that making a complaint about NHS or social care services can be confusing. 

This page will help you make a complaint about health or social care services in Haringey. 

You can also contact us to find out how to get help with making your complaint.

Tips and tools for making a complaint

Adult social care complaints

Practical help you can use to make a complaint about adult social care services, including flowcharts, helpful tips and sample letters.

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Complaints about NHS services

Healthwatch England have produced straightforward advice to guide you through the process from knowing who to talk to, top tips and what you can expect from services in response. 

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GP complaints

Find out where to start if you have a problem with your GP. 

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NHS Hospital complaints

This information applies to all patients in NHS hospitals. It also applies if you're being treated in a private hospital when the treatment is funded by the NHS.

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Mental health services complaints

If you’re unhappy about your treatment for a mental health problem, you may be able to make a complaint. 

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Care Home Complaints

Practical help you can use to make a complaint about a care home.

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Children’s Social Care Complaints

Information to help you make a complaint about children's social care services.

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London Ambulance Service (LAS) Complaints

Find out how to make a complaint about London Ambulance services.

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Complaints and Healthwatch Haringey

Need help making a complaint about us?

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Complaints about North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB)

Find out how to make a complaint about NCL ICB and the services it commissions.

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