Healthwatch Haringey Annual Report 2023/24

This year we continued to chart the challenges for many people in accessing health and social care and we focussed on the importance of research in understanding the unmet needs of patients.

Our annual report showcases three of our key projects from the year:

Underrepresentation of particular communities at Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC).

We worked with Whittington Health NHS Trust to explore why particular communities in Haringey were underrepresented in their use of the Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC).

In July 2023, we successfully organised four focus groups, actively involving members of the Turkish, Black Caribbean, and Polish Communities in Haringey. These sessions were thoughtfully designed to gather invaluable insights from underrepresented communities and placed a special emphasis on strategies to enhance accessibility and to help shape the services on offer at the Centre.

Experiences of people with Sickle Cell in Haringey

In 2024, Healthwatch Haringey worked together with Haringey Advice Partnership to explore the experiences of people living with sickle cell in Haringey and the challenges they face.

This was both a look back at the history of sickle cell patient experience, research on how the condition impacts the patient, and how current services address patient need.

Haringey School Superzones Vaping Project

In September 2023, Healthwatch Haringey were commissioned by Haringey’s Public Health Team to explore the attitudes and behaviours of secondary school age pupils around vaping.

The research explored vape usage, health implications, the attraction and appeal of vapes, and the motivations for vaping. The aim of this research was to help schools in Haringey to consider specific policies, approaches and alternative support for pupils in Haringey who may be vaping.

We arranged and hosted seven focus groups with a total of 60 pupils. We  carried out eight interviews and we surveyed 358 pupils.

Our annual report also features the ongoing work we have done around GP access, 'Pharmacy First', and barriers to GP registration.

With services of all kinds under pressure for resources and staffing, there remains a danger that inequalities are accentuated rather than addressed – unless we give voice to the most vulnerable and work closely with partners to find solutions.

Sharon Grant OBE Chair, Healthwatch Haringey

Highlights from our year

  • We heard from 1079 people about their experiences of health and social care through surveys, service user groups, meetings, focus groups and interviews. They helped raise awareness about issues and improve care.
  • We provided advice and information to 279 people.
  • We published five reports about the improvements people would like to see to health and social care services.


Download the report here.

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Healthwatch Haringey Annual Report 2023-24

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