What are people's experiences of hospital discharge?

This report outlines the discharge experiences of 66 individuals living in Enfield or Haringey.

Summary of key findings

  • 62%% of people we spoke to said that their discharge went according to plan.
  • Only half the people we spoke to said that they got all the information they needed when they were discharged (53%), and the same percentage of individuals felt well supported by health and care services now they were back at home.
  • Just over half the people we spoke to (55%) said they would know how to get more support if they needed it.
  • Only 36% of people we spoke to had had a care plan made when they left hospital and 40% felt that their views and wishes were not considered, or only taken into account ‘to some degree’. 
  • There were mixed views on the idea of discharge to assess – 38% thought it was a good idea, while another 33% did not think it was a good idea and 24% did not know. 
  • Half of the people we spoke to (51%) wanted to be given information face-to-face rather than on a leaflet or app.


Download the report here.
If you need it any other format please email info@healthwatchharingey.org.uk or call 020 8888 0579

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What are people's experiences of hospital discharge?

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