Patient group pushes for greater involvement in communications on Physician Associates

Patient representatives in the Haringey Patient Participation Group (PPG) Network joined Healthwatch Haringey to request NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) improves clarity over Physician Associates (PAs)

The PPG Network meeting in June heard from patient representatives about their efforts to engage with NCL ICB. They came up with suggestions for helping patients understand the scope of practice of PAs, how they introduce themselves and how to complain.

PPG Members and Healthwatch Haringey had requested five actions in a meeting with NCL ICB, Katherine West MP, local Healthwatch and the GP Federation in February 2024. They sought:

  1. The ICB adds a PA specific webpage to its site setting out a description of the PA job role, limits of competency, patient choice and how to complain.
  2. All practices employing PAs to do likewise.
  3. Distribution of a patient leaflet.
  4. ICB writes to all practices advising that only PAs on the voluntary register are employed.
  5. Request that we continue the dialogue and that we meet again with the ICB in one month for a progress report.

The June PPG Network meeting also heard about the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), a £1.4bn fund, which allows GPs to pay for PAs and 18 different roles in GP practices. This money cannot be used to employ GPs. GPs have a core skill set, with seven years of training. 

The Haringey GP Federation shared that it is standard practice to expect all clinical staff if they are not a GP, to give their role in patient consultations. If this does not happen patients are advised to raise this with the practice as it is not acceptable and the practice would want to know and to take action. Their role should should also be on their door.

The PPG network meeting happened on 17 June 2024.

The agenda included:

  1. Physician Associates in GP surgeries
  2. St Ann's Road Surgery / Operose change of control 
  3. Update on getting a medical summary
  4. Same day access hubs
File download
June 2024 PPG Network meeting notes

Legal action

The BMA is taking legal action against the GMC over the way in which it plans to regulate Physician Associates. 

Find out more

Anaesthetists United are taking up a legal case seeking standards defining what Associates can and cannot do. They want the GMC to set standards, including standards for performance. 

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Healthwatch England's actions

Healthwatch England has also called for greater clarity on Physician Associate roles. In partnership with the Patients Association and National Voices, they made five recommendations to policymakers and regulators.

Find out more