Healthwatch Haringey reviews North Middlesex Hospital signs and maps
In June, a group of seven of our volunteers visited the North Mid Hospital to look at how easy it is for patients to find their way around.
In June, a group of seven Healthwatch Haringey volunteers visited the North Mid Hospital to carry out a review of the signs and maps around the hospital building, to look at how easy it is for patients to find their way around and to see whether the signs match what it says in patient appointment letters.
We found that:
- Clinic and department locations are described differently in patient letters than on signs in the building.
- There is too much information in patient letters and it is not clear which bits are relevant to help patients find their way.
- Outpatients clinics are confusing because they move around and are not individually sign posted.
- There is no signage to the main hospital from the Maternity/Silver Street entrance.
We have shared full feedback with the Estates team at the hospital, who will use it to change and improve some of the signs around the hospital.