May 2025

Mental Health Awareness Week - May 2025

Community events
Various locations
Monday 12th May, 2025 - 9:00 to Sunday 18th May, 2025 - 23:45

About this event

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event when there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health.

Each May, millions of people from every part of society take part. They include people in schools and further education; private, public and charity sectors; families and individuals. 


Contact details

Mental Health Week is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation.

Join in the conversation on Twitter at #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

To find out more please use the button below.

Find out more

Haringey Council has a mental health support hub with resources, tools and mobile-based apps on mental health conditions, symptoms, therapies and where to go if you need further support.

Haringey mental health resources

You can follow the campaign on social media: 

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