Information to support your recovery from COVID-19

What should you do if you catch COVID-19?
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS foundation Trust have put together some short films which are packed with practical advice and guidance to support your recovery from a COVID-19 infection and help prevent Long COVID.
If you catch COVID-19 it is important to get lots of rest and not try to restart physical exercise too soon. These videos explain how you can manage your COVID-19 symptoms, relax and rest to improve your chances of a quicker recovery.
Do you have Long COVID?
The Long COVID Support website has lots of information and resources.
Long COVID Support Groups All countries including UK support groups
North Central London Integrated Care Board has collated information to support people with Long COVID, also known as Post-COVID Syndrome. The information includes advice on managing breathlessness and fatigue as well as mental health support.
Do you have Long COVID? Long COVID animation for patients
Translated Long COVID animations These animations, with subtitles, are available in BSL, Turkish, Polish, Romanian, Gujarati and Arabic.