Haringey Advice Partnership near you
Public Voice staff are out and about in Haringey doing regular drop-in sessions for local people seeking advice.

Public Voice and Healthwatch Haringey provide health / care information, signposting and guidance through our Healthwatch Haringey team. Some of the main issues and topics we cover are:
- GP Services
- Dentists
- Hospitals
- Mental Health Services
- Long-term Conditions
- Tests/Screening
- Patient Transport
- COVID-19
- Care Homes
- Social Care
The regular Haringey Advice Partnership drop-in sessions are happening in food banks, community centres, libraries and sports centres around Haringey. To find out about drop-ins, contact HAP.
Contact Haringey Advice Partnership
020 4537 4084 (Public Voice)
0808 278 7966 (Advice line)
HAP health and care leaflet and drop-in sessions
File download
HAP Health and Care Leaflet 2022
HAP Drop in sessions timetable