You don't need ID or proof of address to register with a doctor
Do you need to see a doctor?
There are many reasons why people do not have ID or documentation showing their address, but this shouldn't prevent people from registering with a GP. Everyone in England has the right to register with a GP doctor’s surgery, regardless of immigration status or not having a fixed address.
GP Registration - our research
Healthwatch Haringey has checked every Haringey GP practice to find out if they will register a new patient without proof of address or ID. We also found out if practices offer an interpreter service and / or help with completing the registration forms.
We did this by 'mystery shopping' GP practices through phone calls and practice visits.
We wanted to make sure that practice staff know what the rules are and know how to help people who can't provide ID.
In May we will be revealing the results of our surveys and hearing from GP practice staff and voluntary groups at a launch event.
Haringey GP Registration Rights Leaflet
We have produced this online leaflet explaining your right to register and we have produced translations of these leaflets in Turkish, Spanish, Polish, Bulgarian and Somali.
We have produced printed copies of these leaflets. To order copies for yourself or your organisation contact:
07735 143528
If you are a Haringey resident you can show this leaflet to your GP reception staff and they will be able to register you.