Your next poo could save your life

The NHS bowel cancer screening kit can save your life.
Life saving poo - Bowel cancer screening

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, and detecting it at the earliest stage makes you up to 9 times more likely to be successfully treated. Just a tiny sample detects signs of cancer before you notice anything wrong. The free test is simple to complete and can be done in the privacy of your own bathroom.

Everyone in London aged 56 to 74, lowering to 50 by 2025, and is registered with a GP practice will be sent a test in the post automatically, every two years. So, the NHS is asking anyone who is sent a bowel cancer screening test to remember to complete it. Put it by the loo. Don’t put it off. Your next poo could save your life.

The NHS bowel cancer screening kit detects signs of cancer before you notice anything wrong. Detecting bowel cancer at the earliest stage makes you up to 9 times more likely to be successfully treated.

Complete your NHS bowel cancer screening kit

Everyone in London aged 56 to 74, lowering to 50 by 2025, and is registered with a GP practice will be sent a test in the post automatically, every two years. So, the NHS is asking anyone who is sent a bowel cancer screening test to remember to complete it.

Put it by the loo. Don’t put it off. Your next poo could save your life.

If something is found, you will be invited to have further tests, usually at a hospital.

The test works by checking for tiny traces of blood, which may not be visible to the naked eye. Blood in your poo is one of the signs of bowel cancer, but does not always mean cancer. Instead, it could be a sign of piles or polyps (growths in the bowel). Polyps are not cancer but could develop into cancer over time. So if you’re sent the kit, help yourself by remembering to complete it.

Put it by the loo. Don't put it off.